Sunday, March 14, 2010

365/73 Perspective/1

I personally love the bokeh of what was the subject of today's theme. This week will not just make me think outside the box, the box will actually be thrown out. I love it!

Lens and camera settings:
50mm f/2.0 @ f/4.0, 1/250, ISO 400. Flash bounced off the ceiling @ +2EV compensation.

Keys With Lots Of Bokeh


  1. Love the bokeh. Looks like there's a party goin' on back there. *L*

  2. When I was shooting this, I noticed this blurb of purple in the right hand corner of the frame, so I look and there was one of my daughter's socks, turns out they also double as great color for bokeh :-P

  3. Wow, that's pretty nice bokeh for 4.0! Love the colours in this one.

    Have you seen KiwiGals macro shots? She often uses things like her DD's Dora pillowcases and tea towels and stuff for her bokeh colouring. If it works, why not?!

  4. Oh yeah, kid-anything works great because of the bright colors! And yeah I've seen her work, which I have to say, is amazing! Definitely an inspiration to grab my macro this spring and get out there :-D
