Monday, October 31, 2011

The beauty of 120 film.

A little while ago, I went to Albany for a short photo walk to give my Hasselblad a little exercise and to see what a roll of 2 year expired Ilford HP5 can do. The results speak for themselves:

Rescan of Albany 21.2011
I absolutely love the endless detail, especially at this little web size (you'll have to trust me when I say it gets better when you view this photo at 100% resolution. You can read the signs at the end of the street as if they were in front of you, even with 400 ISO grain)

Ilford HP5+ 10.2011008
The Empire State Plaza.

Ilford HP5+ 10.2011009
My wife actually had a better capture with her iPhone and Instagram. I'll go hide in a corner now.

Ilford HP5+ 10.2011011
Leading lines?

Ilford HP5+ 10.2011004
I might have to use this film for portraits.

Sweet Moments Rarely Captured

I'm normally only in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I never actually capture anything worth actually photographing. Today was different in that I actually picked up my camera and pointed it at a situation I felt was worth using up a shutter click for. Maybe this can happen more often from now on?

Mama and Kiddo

Mama and Kiddo looking out the window for the afternoon delivery of kids. Kiddo didn't make it to school today (sick) so she looked for her friends from the warm house.