Saturday, May 1, 2010

365/121 Macro/7

It's been said before, but I'll seriously miss the Macro theme! I love to get this close to things without being called uncreative for "yet another head shot".  Yellow is the color of today!

Lens and camera settings:
50mm f/2.0 @ f/2.0, 1/4000 and ISO 100.
Yellow Tulip

50mm f/2.0 @ f/2.0, 1/320sec and IS0 100.

It's a good thing my E-3 has shutter speeds up to 1/8000sec, or I might have run out of headroom! The E-500 only goes up to 1/4000 and it would have cut it really close here.


  1. Chris: You have been such an inspiration to me! Your macro shots are awesome and they make me strive to be better!

  2. That's the whole reason I chose macro last week :-) I knew some people would really pick it up this week, and they did! Don't forget what Larry said, keep doing what you're doing, but apply it to non-macro photos too!
