Monday, June 14, 2010

365/165 Bugs/2

This is just too much fun. I'm also amazed how much information I can still extract from the Raw files, because these are pretty small crops of the original picture. I think this is where the sharpness of the lens really helps! And I can't imagine how difficult this has to be on Full Frame cameras where the DOF is so minuscule at wider apertures that you can't even get a leg of the flies in focus, so the only way to counter that is lowering shutter speed and increasing ISO and aperture. I like my shutter speed high for these though, just because even camera shake will throw off focus, not to mention these critters are fast!

Lens and camera settings:
50mm ƒ/2.0 @ ƒ/4.0, 1/200sec and ISO 800.
House Fly

House Fly 2

Unknown Fly


  1. These are fabulous! You are amazing at macro!!!

  2. Thank you! I can't wait until you guys all get macro lenses too, it's a whole new world to explore :)
